2004 Kerry Campaign Flight

Marvin Nicholson


The first time I met MAGIC MARVIN Nicholson, he was working in a Boston windsurfing shop. He told me what a big a fan he was of my magazine. A few weeks after the cover article came out, Senator John Kerry walked into the windsurfing shop. Marvin goes “Hey! You’re that windsurfer on the cover of American Windsurfer!”   What happened afterwards is a well-documented… Just Google his name and read it for yourself.

After Kerry’s loss in the 2004 elections, Marvin and I had lunch in Washington DC and I wondered whether Kerry would run again. Marvin looked at me and said…“I told Kerry, ‘Don’t know about you, but I am going to the White House..'” We laughed and then he added. “I told him he can come along if he like.”

Several months later on Thanksgiving day, a call came in from Canada, it was Marvin. He said he was thinking of me and wanted to call and thank me…I didn’t know what he was talking about, so I changed the subject.


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Can’t resist linking some great photos of Magic Marv from White House photographer Peter Souza.

Years later, Obama was in the White House and I happen to see Marvin in one of Pete Souza’s sweet photo of the President sharing his coat with the First Lady. Well, what you know!… The windsurfer made it to the White House! Not only that, Washington Post claimed that he is the “man that made Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign run”. In January of 2017, when Marvin tied the knot with Helen Pajcic, his old windsurfing buddy, Secretary of State John Kerry officiated the wedding and Barack Obama was one of his groomsmen. 

It sure made me proud!,

I don’t know how Marvin roped me into this interview during the 2004 Democratic Convention.

2000’s DECADE

HEAT’S ON: A decade of transformation. The dawning of the age of Aquarius. Water turning to steam. Fruition from the quest was liberating. It was a decade that exchanged ambition for the magic of the unknown.

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2010’s DECADES

GRATITUDE: A decade beyond expectation. I learned to live in the moment instead of capturing the moment. . . simply, being present to welcome the moment.

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