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Hood River, Oregon 2018
Wes Lapp
Welcome to my future blog page about Wes Lapp. Click on the like button above to expedite the completion of this page and SUBSCRIBE below to follow the updates on this site. Thank You!
1970’s DECADE
DECADE OF ADVENTURE: Fresh and exciting, a decade of innocent encounters, whether temporal or spiritual, all powerful awakenings. A dance of light, faith, and form, converging in time, out of chaos into moments of delight and awe.
2000’s DECADE
HEAT’S ON: A decade of transformation. The dawning of the age of Aquarius. Water turning to steam. Fruition from the quest was liberating. It was a decade that exchanged ambition for the magic of the unknown.
NEW WORK: I’ve visited Hong Kong a dozen times in the past 50-year. It seems any visit would not be complete without a trek up to Victoria Peak. It’s a view that lends perspective and reveals the general state of the world. My recent visit is no exception.
NEW WORK: I went to Llasa to see how the Chinese occupation has changed Tibet. I was moved by the reverence and inner strength of the people. I thought if the Chinese can embrace Tibet, i.e. The Dalai Lama, they will find the secret to longevity.
Karl Katz
A future blog about Karl Katzwill be added here. Enter now to see photos. Circa 1973.
Mike Lam
A future blog about Mike Lamwill be added here. Enter now to see photos. Circa 1999.
Charlie Qin
Future blog page about Charlie Qin will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 2014.
Teresa Heinz
Welcome to the future page about Teresa Heinz, widow of former U.S. Senator John Heinz and the wife of former U.S. Secretary of State, longtime U.S. Senator, and 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.
Ju Ming
A future blog about renowned sculptor from TaiwanJu Mingwill be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1981.
Paul Jernberg
A future blog about my longest known friend Paul Jernberg will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1969.
Uncle-Cam Townsend
Welcome to the future Blog page about William Cameron Townsend . The founder of The Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Enter to see photos. Circa 1975
Bill Clinton
A future blog about Bill Clinton will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1979.
Yvon Chouinard
Welcome to the future page about Yvon Chouinard, environmentalist and founder of Patagonia clothing company. Enter to see photos. Since 1998
Francisco Goya
A future blog about Francisco Goya will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1996.
Harry Lunn
Welcome to the future page about Harry Lunn, the founding father of fine art photography market. Enter to see photos. Circa 1981
Joel Chusid
Future blog page about Joel CHusid will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1994.
Bill Abeel
A future blog about Bill Abeel will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Circa 1995.
- 541-380-0907
- P.O. Box 994 Mosier, Oregon 97040
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©JOHN CHAO All rights reserved